Dr. Kausiki Ray Sarkar

IVF Consultant in Kolkata, India

DNB, DGO, Fellowship in Rep. Endocrinology & Infertility ( ISRAEL)

HOD, Fertility Unit, AMRI (Now changed to AM Medical Centre)

Call for Appointment :

+91 90076 31577


AIH :Very helpful in achieving pregnancies in cases of vaginismus, erectile dysfunction,Anovulation due to polycystic ovaries, uunilateral tubal block , mild endometriosis, husband stays away. The lady gets pregnant with her own egg and husband's sperms.

AID :Cost effective way to get pregnancy in cases of nonobstructiveazoospermia and sometimes in obstructive variety also.

IVF :In spite of all misconceptions, IVF means own gamete, egg from the mother and sperm from the father .The lady conceives, even in those situations where only one good embryo has formed from 10-15 eggs.

ICSI :Means intra cytoplasmic sperm injection where one egg is being fertilized by one single sperm. Highly effective in patients with severe low count in semen parameters.

TESA/TESE :In cases of obstructive azoospermia as well as in some cases of non obstructive variety also, sperms are directly taken off from the testicles under anaesthesia.

Egg Donation :Women reaching menopause, but yet to conceive can have pregnancy in their womb by egg donation IVF.

Surrogacy :Uterine cancer, huge fibroid, or severe adenomyosis, uterine malformation make the uterus unable to carry the pregnancy. Here the help of surrogate mother make the pregnancy possible where egg and sperm are taken from genetic mother and father.

PGD/PGS :It is a newer modality, help us to detect chromosomal aberrations in the embryo, which are responsible for reccurentmiscarraiges, IVF implantation failure.

ERA :Another new technique where exact time of implantation can be determined.

Fertility Preservation :Very useful to reserve fertility in patients of malignancies as well as for those who want to delay childbearing.

Process of IVF

Ovulation Induction

Egg Retrievial


Embryo Transfer and Implantation